
Giving in to Meal Planning

By a show of hands, how many of you have gone grocery shopping only to find when returning home, you have nothing to make for dinner (or anything else)?

Okay.. so this is ME... and I have to admit that, this is most of the time. I have seen numerous homemaking blogs talking about the importance of having a meal plan together before grocery shopping. I of course just didn't think it was for me. Boy, was I WRONG. Having a meal plan, is the smartest way to shop! Not only do you save money, you also are insured you have all the ingredients before starting to make your meal. I have had so many times where I thought I had all the ingredients to a recipe, only to find I didn't and had to jump in the car and head to the store again for that one special item.

Does this sound like you?? Well, I am certainly not a pro at this, but when I do take the time to plan, it is such a relief. So, if you struggle with this, I have some easy tips that can get you started and not feel overwhelmed.


Sit your family down, and ask them what dinners they enjoy!
( I just worry about dinner, that's where I struggle the most. Breakfast and lunches come easy to me, but you can certainly add those to your list as well)

Here's some of my family favorites:

Chicken Enchiladas, Tacos, Meatless Pasta Dishes, Meatloaf, Meat Pie, Chicken Marsala, etc.


You may be surprised what ingredients you already have! Start here first, then write down the rest of the items you will need.


Stick to your list! This can be hard, especially if you are truckin' a load of children with you. (See if hubby or someone else you trust to watch kids for you while you shop, It's like a mini vacation, when you go alone! LOL!!!)

That's pretty much it! EASY!! You will feel a sense of accomplishment when you come home and your husband asks WHATS FOR DINNER WILMA?, and you don't have to answer, I DON'T KNOW!!

What are you planning for dinner tonight??

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Morning Blessing

For the last 4 years I have found myself so frustrated in the mornings, trying to get my girls ready for school! We would scream and yell and hustle through the morning and it would leave me emotionally drained!! Trying to find shoes especially.

I couldn't to it anymore, so I went to Wal-mart and purchased 3 of these (Cause I have three kids)

It opens up to 5 cubbies, one for each day of the week and even a couple of side pockets, which could be used for shoes, extra curricular activities, etc.

Then, I simply filled them up with clothes, underwear and socks for each day of the week!
I realize that this is nothing new, but I've been using this for a week now and it's been truly a blessing! It is so peaceful now in the morning. No more arguing over what to wear and not having to search the house for lost shoes! My girls actually love this too! If they don't want to wear whats in that spot for a particular day, they just switch it around. EASY! LOVE IT! Keeps me up on laundry too, so I always have clean clothes to refill it.
So, if any one is struggling with this I would recomend these. Only 7.00 dollars. Why didn't I do this years ago I'll never know.

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